Saturday, July 24, 2010

Street Fight: illegal Kungfu

This is a very serious offence topic to be learn: Every kungfu or martial art that we learn got it's own types of license or certificate for it's purposes. Example if you know the law and still commit crime, the punishments will be higher and imprisonment longer. Just like once you are admitted to or master your kungfu.
If you are committed to fighting cases, you are in serious offences and double the punishments base on the laws.

In Singapore, street fight is a illegal kungfu, even in other countries in the world, it consider fighting cases. For those who are learning any type of martial arts, it is very useful in terms of your hobbies or even if someone attack you, you can counter them and even avoid them from hitting you. Martial arts are for us to self-defence and not use it for the purpose of showing off and ask ("jio" in hokkien direct) someone to challenge with you in the street.

The following 5 things that we must learn about what is illegal to have street fight in the public:
    1. Bullying - usually people want to fight as they want to bully the weak ones. The purposes for gangster to have street fight with people is to show how big they are.

      Things to be learn: Don't be someone who do silly mistakes like these that will regret for the rest of your life.

    2. Showing off - basically people thinks that fighting in the street will determine how strong and how powerful they are to show off their talents and skills.

      Things to be learn: If you want to be better and stronger. The best is sign up for competition or matches rather than put yourself into trouble.

    3. Nothing to do so find someone to fight with or taking revenge - it reminds me of my secondary school life that students use to fight for revenge on someone. Ask people to fight for no reason.

      Things to be learn: Don't try to be funny for revenge or being bored for that. Using hands on someone will end up serious offences. Even people keep on saying bad things or disturb you, try to control your temper to avoid street fight on him/her.

    4. Lost control or being drunk - actually people drink (beer or alcohol) too much, they will lose temper and commit to a fight with someone during night life, usually most cases held at either pub or clubbing areas.

      Things to be learn: Avoid people trying to fight with you while you will drunk e.g walk away. Even though you will drunk, you are not fully in control as your mind still 30% alert that surround you. The best is don't drink or set a limit for drinking.

    5. Lastly, fight for love - this the most important things to avoid, for lovers who really want to take revenge on someone who sneaks away your boyfriend/girlfriend/lover/wife/husband. Usually it is the hardest ways to control someone being betrayed so people will fight or even kill the betrayers for their emotions and for their lovers.

      Things to be learn: Think about your future and career, although you don't like he/she. Life is to move on rather than having a fight (consider street fight with him/she). Don't suicide for love, it is really stupid things to do too. Living in this world as a human is the most precious thing.

      Someone who like to enjoy life will think about "There so many trees in the forest, don't focus on that tree which not worth your love. Find the tree which can produce fruits and give you happiness". Think about these phrase, then you will treasure your life.

  1. Always remember, the main reason we learn kungfu is to protect oneself and for self-defence. Let's learn somethings that we must avoid in this street fight skills which is not a kungfu from this video:

2. Another video about what is really happening in public of these 2 womens fighting in the sms bus in Singapore:

That's all I can post about this interesting "street fight" topic, hope you enjoy and like this post. The main purpose for it is to learn from "street fight" mistakes before it's too late to be regret for doing it.

Story by mr.ys

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